Farzana Alam Khan
Hi, I am Farzana, completed my Master's in Computer Science at Mississippi State University. I am blessed to work in Spatial Perception and Augmented Reality (SPAAR) Lab under the supervision of Dr. Ed Swan II. My research area focuses on Augmented Reality, Applied Perception, Human Computer Interaction, and data visualization. I am working on projects funded by National Science Foundation (NSF).
My research focuses on developing a method to measure the perceived 3D location of a virtual object in the augmented reality system. To conduct my research, I used Microsoft HoloLens 2 as an experimental display and developed the experimental environment in Unity. Besides, I have experience working with Microsoft HoloLens 1 and Magic Leap.
Contact Info
Email: fk141@msstate.edu, farzana.jyoti.ipsc@gmail.com
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